Here are the possible reasons your station is not streaming Now Playing information:
- Your station is not listed with a music genre. At least one music genre is required for metadata to be used to search our third-party database for song and artist information. If this is the case with your station, we have temporarily assigned a music genre that best matches what we've heard while listening to your station. If you feel we have other genres that are a better match, please let us know.
- The metadata in your stream is inconsistent. Or it is labeling song/artist titles that are unsearchable in our third-party database.
- The station was previously set up with a partner ID and partner Key to use with our AIR API but is not in use. Or the information in your broadcasting software is entered incorrectly.
Please be aware that without the use of our AIR API for song and artist information, the metadata in your station's stream may take several minutes of continuous listening to be displayed, and is not as reliable. To see an overview of how our AIR API works, and the list of known compatible broadcasting software solutions, click here.
If your broadcasting software is listed, please email us at [email protected] with your TuneIn station ID and we'll provide you with your station's AIR API credentials. Your station ID can be found at the end of the URL of your station's TuneIn page beginning with an ""s"" and ending with a series of numbers.
If the software you are using doesn't appear on our list, make sure that your station listing is labeled with at least one music genre (required for displaying metadata without our AIR API) and contact your broadcasting software provider. There may be changes to software compatibility that we are currently unaware of.
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